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7 Roles Contact Center Managers Must Master

Managing a contact center can feel a lot like conducting an orchestra. It takes a blend of art and skill to get everyone working together harmoniously. Keeping customers, agents, and executives happy is no easy task, but it doesn't have to be so overwhelming. 

Author and speaker Karin Hurt shared a few of her practical leadership secrets at a recent session at Contact Center Expo and Conference. There are seven key roles effective contact managers must perform to achieve breakthrough results and build their careers. Have you mastered them?

Learn what it means to be a Translator, Connector, Builder, Galvanizer, Backer, Ambassador and Accelerator. Join Karin at Contact Center Demo and Conference to find out how you can measure your effectiveness in each of these roles. She'll also share practical tools and best practices you can implement in your contact center immediately.

Do you struggle in any of these roles? Have questions you'd love to see Karin address in her session? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

7 Roles Every Contact Center Manager Must Master 

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