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#ICMIchat Recap: How to Write Better Contact Center Job Descriptions

When was the last time your contact center updated its job descriptions? With schedules to build, training to conduct, calls to monitor, and technology to implement, it's easy to overlook something seemingly as minor as a job description. It's important to remember, however, that job descriptions are a crucial foundation for success.

During #ICMIchat this week we brainstormed ways to write better descriptions for customer service roles. We also discussed how frequently they should be updated, who should take part in the process, and how to tailor the wording and marketing medium to reach desired candidates. 

How has your contact center succeeded with agent recruiting? Comment below and share an example of your job descriptions--tell us what's worked well!

For more reading on writing better customer service job descriptions, be sure to check out the article and infographic that inspired this chat.

Join us next week (Tuesday, 1pm ET) as we chat about implementing new service channels. Just follow and use our hashtag (#ICMIchat) to participate.