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The Simplest Details Make the Most Loyal Customers

Waiting at Joe's

Note from the editor: Is improving the customer experience a priority for your contact center this year? If so, it might be time to think about the small details.  When was the last time you walked in your customers shoes? Take some time this month to view the customer experience from your customer's point of view. This tip from Dayna is good reminder for us all. Which companies do you think do a great job with the details? Tell us in the comments below!

Paying attention to the simplest details can make the most loyal customers. Visiting relatives in Miami over the holidays, we did a big family dinner at the iconic Joe’s Stone Crab on Miami Beach. Joe’s is one of the top grossing restaurants in the country. The #1 reason? All the employees are MAD – Meticulous At Details. They are very MAD. Read Waiting at Joe’s by Deeny Kaplan Lorber. Have your management team read this book. Have your employees read the book. Have your kids read it as they enter the workforce. This is how you succeed. You get MAD. Every time. Every customer. Every action.

Looking for more inspiration to kick off 2016? Check out some of Dayna's most popular tips from 2015: