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Site Tour: Citrix ShareFile Delivers Service Their Customers Want to "Bottle"

On a Friday afternoon several weeks ago I was scrolling through my Twitter feed when the tweet below from ShareFile caught my attention. 

99% of calls in 17 seconds?!  Those numbers blew me away.  Being the curious person that I am, I had to know more. Was that a fluke? How did they pull that off?  What does their contact center look like?  What are their core values and beliefs? 

ShareFile Tweet
I had so many questions. So, naturally, I replied back to their tweet and asked if I could come by some time for a site tour.  Pretty soon I was put in touch with Justin Riek, Senior Manager for Global Customer Support at Citrix ShareFile.  Justin invited me to tour their center, meet some of the team, and learn more about the customer service philosophy at Citrix.

First of all, I learned that the success they were touting on Twitter was no fluke.  On average, customer support representatives in the ShareFile division of Citrix answer around 96% of calls within 17 seconds.  What’s even more amazing? They now offer customer support 24/7, and they do this with only 20 level one agents, and four level two.

How does such a small group deliver such amazing customer service?  Justin Nuzum, manager of global customer support said it all comes down to the people.  If you take one look at the team core values that are proudly displayed on the walls of the customer support section in the Raleigh office, you can see that Citrix ShareFile really does put its people first.

Their mantra:

  • We Are All Family
  • Personality is Welcome
  • Own Your Own Learning

When they say “we are all family” they really mean it.  Nuzum says that while they receive thousands of applications on a regular basis, they hire selectively, and like for the entire team to have input in each new hire.  Why? They believe that you can have the nicest office (and trust me, their office is pretty awesome), with all the best amenities, but if you don’t like the people you work with every day, it’s hard to create a culture that produces great customer service.

So, what is the culture like at Citrix?  And what’s it like to be an agent in their office?

Citrix provides its agents with all the tools they need to do their job well, and do it comfortably.  From standing work stations, to stability ball chairs, and a break/game room, the agents have an inviting, inspiring and comfortable space to work—and that leads to increased productivity and satisfaction.

Even more importantly, Citrix empowers their agents with the most up-to-date resources that enable them to provide the highest level of service.  Recently, Citrix revamped its entire knowledge management system, and Nuzum said these updates have been well received by agents, because the system not only empowers agents, but also customers.  And ultimately, that makes the job of the agent easier.

In terms of employee amenities, Citrix has a lot to offer!  Their game room is one of the coolest I’ve seen.  Ping pong tables, video games, an arcade game, bean bag chairs, and arcade-style basketball goals offer a fun and creative space for agents to take a break.  And the on-site gym makes it convenient for employees to fit in some time for exercise.  In addition, the break room is fully stocked with a variety of healthy snacks and fresh fruit to fuel the brain.

Next year, Citrix will relocate to a brand new facility in downtown Raleigh where agents will be able to walk to a variety of local restaurants and coffee shops during breaks.  And the new facility will house a state-of-the art yoga room and fitness facility.  Pictures of the blueprints for the new office are hanging up on the walls in the current game room and Nuzum says there’s a lot of excitement about the impending move.

As the company continues to grow and expand its footprint in North Carolina and the Triangle region, it’s also being recognized nationally for its innovative culture and approach to customer service.  Business Insider recently named Citrix one of the Top 25 companies for work-life balance in the United States.  After spending some time there last week, I can certainly see why.

And perhaps more importantly, customers can see why, too.  Customer testimonials are displayed proudly throughout the customer support center, and one of the most unique (and amusing) customer comments ever has become the focal point for the wall of inspiration, which now includes the image of  a giant spray bottle surrounded by positive customer feedback.

ShareFile Spray Bottle Customer Quote

What makes your contact center unique?  Does your customer support team have an innovative approach or success story? Share your comments below.

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