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When Customer Service Goes to the Dogs

Don’t be afraid to get personal with customers. When 9/11 happened, immediately contacted all customers in a 50-mile radius of New York City to see if there was anything we could do to help. Turns out we had several packages in route to the World Trade Center post office. We diverted what we could and re-sent elsewhere everything else. did something similar recently for a customer. This online pet store stopped a delivery to an elderly woman when her daughter informed them the dog had died just after her mom placed the order. But wait – they not only stopped the order but they also sent a handwritten note of condolence with a name and phone number if her mom ever needed to talk to anyone about losing her beloved dog. Now, that is customer service. Wow the customer. Just wow the customer. Every chance you get.

Also read: Don’t surprise your customers this way

Well done Well done.

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