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Take the ICMI Selfie Challenge

Selfie Challenge 

If you’re joining us in Orlando next week for Contact Center Expo and Conference, we hope you’re ready to have some fun! We invite you to take part in the #CCEXPO15 Selfie Challenge for a unique event experience and an opportunity to win some great prizes including an Apple TV, $50 Amazon Card, and $25 Starbucks Card!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Follow us on Twitter (@CallCenterICMI). 
  2. You’ll receive a community welcome card at registration.  On the card you’ll find the selfie challenge checklist.  Make sure to hold on to this and check off your completed challenge items as you go.
  3. Be sure to tag @CallCenterICMI and use our official event hashtag (#CCExpo15) in your tweets.
  4. Turn in your completed selfie challenge card by 11:30 am on Wednesday, May 6 and you’ll be entered in to a drawing for one of three prizes.

You can view the complete contest rules here.

One final rule: have fun and be creative!  We can’t wait to see your selfies 

Safe travels to everyone headed out this weekend!