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What Will You Do Today to Make Your Dreams Reality?

Note from the editor: Feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, or burnt out? Take a few minutes this morning to dream big, and then take one step towards executing on that dream. Have an idea for a new process that will help on board new agents more smoothly? Share it with a manager. Think it's time to consider a technology upgrade? Start building your case today (not tomorrow). Is it your goal to get a promotion this year? Schedule a meeting with HR and put a plan in action. Whatever your dreams or ideas are, don't wait!

Time Running Out

There are 268 days left in 2016 for you to make your mark this year. Stop saying one of these days I will … and start a dream, an idea, a crazy adventure today. Just begin. Make a call, buy a website name, book a meeting with someone who can help, sketch out a business plan, etc. And then do something every day towards making that dream reality. The most profitable companies and ideas in the world started on a napkin. Just one thing. Today. Your dream.

"Lose your dreams and you might lose your mind." –Mick Jagger

If one of your goals for this year is professional development, we can help. Register now for Contact Center Expo and Conference. Experience amazing content, expert speakers & creative networking. Now is the time to invest in your future.

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