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The Road to Customer Experience Maturity

The Road to Customer Experience Maturity

Date Published: November 26, 2018 - Last Updated November 01, 2021 ago

Pages: 27

Sponsor: ICMI Logo

Find out everything you need to know about the modern customer experience and then assess your teams’ level of customer experience (CX) maturity so that you can find opportunities for refinement.

Most contact centers operate with the goal of delivering exceptional customer experiences, but how many achieve that objective? Executing on big-vision customer experience initiatives is daunting, and if no one “owns” the strategy, it’s nearly impossible to attain the desired results.

While organizations often have the best intentions, disjointed policies and practices related to people, processes, and technology can result in high customer effort, frustration, lost revenue, and an overall lack of engagement.

In this toolkit, we’ll provide a framework you can use to deliver standout customer experiences. Find out everything you need to know about the modern customer experience and then assess your teams’ level of customer experience (CX) maturity so that you can find opportunities for refinement. The step by step resources in this toolkit will enable your organization to build incremental CX improvements by integrating your people, process, and technology more strategically.

Ready to get started? Join us on this journey to CX discovery and maturity!


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