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The State of Workforce Management

Cover of the executive summary for The State of WFM in 2021

Author: ICMI

Publisher: ICMI

Number of Pages: 17


Workforce management is critical to any service organization’s success, and now more than ever, organizations have taken note. Learn more about developments and trends in workforce management in this report.

In the contact center, change is a given. It is a WFM professional’s responsibility to expect the unexpected. After all, they must ensure they have the correct number of suitably skilled and equipped agents available to serve customers as efficiently and effectively as possible. Workforce management is critical to any service organization’s success, and now more than ever, organizations have taken note.

When ICMI last captured a snapshot of the state of WFM in 2017, we found that just half of the contact centers surveyed had a dedicated workforce manager or team tasked with scheduling. Only 25% were collaborating with the frontline to create schedules. One-fifth weren’t measuring forecast accuracy; nearly three-quarters weren’t using a WFM solution for scheduling back-office activities, and 70% were still executing intraday forecasting manually. Our new research revealed that positive changes are afoot. More organizations are devoting the budget and resources to improve workforce management processes that impact employee and customer experience. Yet, there is still room for automation to free up some of the burdens workforce managers face. Learn more about developments and trends in workforce management in this report.

Topics: Best Practices, Workforce Management, Culture And Engagement

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