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Nominate Your 2022 ICMI Thought Leaders

Image depicting two Twitter birds in conversation.

No one got out of school knowing all that needs to be known about the contact center industry. Everyone has had mentors along the way who guide them. Those guides have become even more important as the contact center industry goes through rapid changes in the face of automation, artificial intelligence, and remote work.

Now it’s time to let us know who are the thought leaders you follow online to learn about your industry. Each year, ICMI compiles a list of the top thought leaders in the industry, and we want to hear from you!

Who are the contact center, customer experience, and customer service thought leaders you follow on Twitter and LinkedIn? Who inspires you to be a better leader, or shares creative ideas that help you make improvements in your contact center? Who keeps you abreast of the latest trends in customer experience? Let us know by nominating your favorite thought leaders!

To nominate a contact center thought leader, click on this form. You do not need to have a Google account to fill out the Google form.

Nominations are due by December 18, 2021!

Topics: Best Practices, Culture And Engagement, Rewards And Recognition