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Got Questions? They Have the Answers!

In a mere 90 days, the largest annual event for call center professionals kicks off its 10th year! In that time, ACCE has become known worldwide as an essential place to network, share best practices, get introduced to new technology and services, and become motivated and educated by industry experts.

In celebration of our upcoming event, I’d like to kick off a little virtual "meet-and-greet" with our inspiring speakers. They are the people you have come to rely on to answer your customer experience and call center questions, and we at ICMI think you should get to know them better.

Each week leading up to ACCE, we will introduce you to a specialist in our community. They will tell you a little about themselves, and highlight some of the interesting material they will be presenting at ACCE. If you are going to ACCE, we encourage you to reach out through social media and engage our speakers. Ask them questions! Tell them about what you hope to learn at the conference! Introduce yourself and set up a few minutes to talk with them in person! (Don’t forget to use #ACCE13)

If you aren’t fortunate enough to attend, this still gives you an opportunity to "meet" our experts. Let them know what you hope to hear about after the conference, or what you’d like them to write about in the future!

In turn, you may have something to teach them as well! This community is your community, and everyone has experience to share. So let’s start talking with each other and get the ACCE momentum going! (#ACCE13)

Since this month is all about Social Customer Support, we are emphasizing experts in that field from a few different angles. Our first "Speaker of the Week" is Tiffany LaReau from Human Numbers, and she will give you some social media forecasting and scheduling tips in her session, Workforce Management for Multi-Channel Centers.

In order for you to know her a bit better, we asked Tiffany a few candid questions:

    ICMI: What excites you most about presenting at ACCE this year?

    Tiffany: That it’s always fresh material! I enjoy learning about new trends and practices out there, and ACCE never seems to recycle the same old stuff. Even if the subjects are the same, the content is kept up to date with the latest things that are going on in contact centers.

    ICMI: What quirky customer service workforce management fact would you like our ICMI community to know about you?

    Tiffany: I love forecasting so much that I also do it in my spare time as a hobby; the presidential election, stock prices, you name it.

    ICMI: What is the one takeaway you hope to give your audience?

    Tiffany: That social media is not scary, it’s just still in its infant stage and we are the pioneers of forecasting and scheduling for it.

    ICMI: What is the one question YOU hope to get an answer to while at ACCE?

    Tiffany: Who will win the Call Center of the Year Award?!?

    ICMI: What is the best customer experience you’ve had where you’ve been on the customer side?

    Tiffany:, their customer service is FAN-tastic, and as a result I am a forever dedicated, loyal customer. All I have to do is breathe a hint of dissatisfaction and they are doing backflips to make it right.

Before you hear Tiffany’s exciting ACCE presentation, you can read some highlights about it here.

We hope you enjoy learning a little more about the people that help make our industry GREAT. Keep the questions coming, because they have the answers!