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Does your contact center have a formal process for benchmarking?

Formal benchmarking is an essential step in the contact center's planning process. Essential for most contact centers, that is. In last week's Quick Poll, ICMI asked about if your contact center had a formal process for benchmarking in place. 61% of you responded, "Absolutely! Couldn't live without it" while 30% said, "Nope, we measure sporadically." 9% of you replied, "Nothing formal right now, but we're working on it."

So, if you're among the majority of centers that are formally benchmarking, what types of benchmarking processes are you using? If your contact center is one of those that measures sporadically, which benchmarks do you tend to follow most often, and when are you measuring them?

Learn to Measure Performance in Your Small Contact Center - Training OnDemand

Related ICMI resources:
Expert's Angle: Beware of Benchmarking: Bad Data is Worse Than No Data (Part 1)
Expert's Angle: Optimize the Experience: 5 Key performance Indicators to Watch

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