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Sorry, not my job

Note from Erica Strother, ICMI Community Specialist: Today's tip from Dayna is good advice for any working professional, but it's particularly pertinent for call center professionals.  In today's rapidly changing contact centers, agents, supervisors, managers, and executives all have to wear many hats.  Stepping up and going the extra mile not only impacts your colleagues, but also improves the overall customer experience, which in the end is beneficial for everyone. What can you do to go the extra mile?

My dad used to tell me to always do a quality job and always, always give 110%. His language was a little more colorful but you get the idea. Step up, do a little extra, take care of something that needs to be done whether it is in your job description or not. Arrive a little earlier, stay a little later – whatever it takes – get the job done today. Watch this Chinese reporter stop what she was doing to immediately start reporting on an earthquake. In her wedding dress at her wedding.

That is what rock stars do,


Reports Stops to Report on Earthquake After Wedding

ICMI will be featuring one of Dayna's Your Daily Success Tips each Friday! You can subscribe to YourDailySuccessTip.com  directly, or subscribe to the audio version on  iTunes  or  Podbean  .

Dayna will be featured as our opening Keynote Speaker at  ACCE  in Seattle next month -  Rock Your World: 5 Things to Do Every Day to Rock Your Customer Service World  . She'll also be hosting our  first annual Global Call Center of the Year Awards dinner   on Tuesday, May 14th. Join Dayna and ICMI for all these great events!