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Top 5 Things Every Call Center Agent Should Have On Their Desk

“We become what we behold. We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us.”
― Marshall McLuhan

A hammer to a nail, a wrench to a bolt, the proper tool for the job. Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? In this day and age of connectivity, and even at the pace at which technology seems to make our work easier and faster, some essentials don’t change. When it comes to call center agents, what would count as bare minimum tools for them to carry out their tasks effectively?

Here are the Top Five:

1. Notepad and pen

We go back to the basics. Every call center agent should have a notepad and a working pen/pencil. Listening is an essential skill for contact center agents, but equally important is the ability to take down meaningful notes should there be a need for a follow up or an appropriate referral for proper resolution.

2. Headset

Related to the fulfillment of the basic task of note-taking is having both hands free to do just that. Besides, having that handset on one ear for hours can be debilitating, and could easily affect one’s physical state to do the job efficiently.

3.  The printout of Top 10 Customer Service Skills

Much has been said about the power of suggestion, and how repetition and constant exposure creates habits. We become what we behold, and looking at positive messages such as this one can be a helpful tool.


4. An FAQ guide with a copy of the script, important notes and product information

In a previous post I discussed the importance of having a mission statement to get everyone involved towards a common goal and to have team members singing the same tune. On an operational level, having a script, a company note or a product guide is also a must-have for every call center agent. Some questions and concerns from customers may be of the FAQ kind, so having a copy of a script, important notes, and basic (or even technical) information might come in handy. Think of it as a copy of the lyrics to the company tune.

5. Two favorite items

This is personal to every agent: a framed picture, a stress ball, a favorite coffee mug, an autographed baseball. People get inspired by different things. Allowing them to bring certain items to inspire them certainly doesn’t hurt. But, it’s important, that these items do not clutter limited space in workstations.