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Love Thy Neighbor, You Never Know

There was a great Mashable piece last week about a guy who got on a London commuter train, shoved a guy out of the way, and told him to go you-know-what himself. Seems rude guy was on his way to a very important job interview. Interviewer turned out to be – yep – the guy he shoved and cursed. We normally like to identify our Friday Guest Tipster, but today will remain anonymous to keep everything friendly. Suffice it to say it was a perfect guest tip to go along with this Mashable story. Guest Tipster recently accepted the offer of a high profile job and sent these notes:

  • Over 20 candidates applied for this position. It came down to two candidates – one with extensive experience in the field and one with an extensive network in the business and in the community. Companies are realizing they can train people to strategize but 15+ years of relationships with community leaders, elected officials, etc. is pure gold.
  • Now in a position to buy media from past competitors, many of whom were not very pleasant to anyone in the business, Guest Tipster spends the day watching and listening to these same people try to put forth a completely different image – as if the past never happened.

Read:  Commuter tells man to f**k himself, then turns up for job interview with him

Be nice to all you meet, encounter, and work with today. You never know. And, how about a big hand for karma today!