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Essential Best Practices for Seamless, Integrated Service in the Contact Center

Essential Best Practices for Seamless, Integrated Service in the Contact Center

Image of many contact channels, extracted from a 2018 toolkit

Date Published: October 09, 2018 - Last Updated November 01, 2021 ago

Pages: 27

Sponsor: ICMI Logo

Move your contact center from multichannel to delivering a truly seamless omnichannel experience.

While most contact centers have a goal of delivering omnichannel customer experiences, according to ICMI research, only 16% are currently making it happen. Despite all the buzz around omnichannel, a staggering 70% of the ICMI community still classifies their contact center as multichannel. Struggling to move beyond multichannel and design a truly omnichannel experience? The first step is to optimize your current channel mix. This toolkit will arm you with the resources, tips, and tricks you need to deliver exceptional service in some of today’s most essential web-based channels.

In this toolkit, we’ll explore:

  1. Why omnichannel is still a challenge for most contact centers
  2. Channel-specific guidance for delivering exceptional customer service via social media, SMS, self-service, email, and mobile applications
  3. How cloud technology can help bring all your channels together and enable a truly omnichannel experience

Take the first step in delivering a seamless omnichannel experience. Download this toolkit today!


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