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Connecting Agent Experience to the Customer Experience: Experience Management Requires a Holistic Approach

Air Date: 2/22/2023
Time: On Demand

Shorit Ghosh , Rose Polchin , Stacy Sherman

Moderators: Tim McElgunn
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Watch the webinar video below.

As customer preferences evolve and expectations about how they interact with product and services change, contact centers’ strategic importance increases. For contact center teams to meet those expectations, organizations need to continue investing in hiring, retaining, and support the growth of agents and make sure they have the tools they need to deliver an exceptional customer experience.

Join ICMI and a panel of industry experts on February 22 to learn about:

  • What experience management should deliver to your customers and your employees
  • The current state of experience management
  • How customers expect to interact with your organization and how that is changing
  • Where contact centers can invest to unlock maximum experience value
  • How to continually improve operational strategies 

Register now!

Shorit Ghosh
Shorit Ghosh
Vice President, Solutions, Clarabridge

Shorit manages a Clarabridge team of consulting managers, business consultants, and technical architects to help his customers improve their own customer experience, increase revenue and reduce cost and churn.

Rose Polchin
Rose Polchin
Independent CX Consultant,

Rose Polchin brings over 25 years of contact center experience, both as an independent consultant and in contact center leadership roles within the financial services and health care industries. During her tenure as senior director of customer service strategies for one of the country’s largest health care services organizations, Rose’s leadership was instrumental in creating and implementing a common vision, strategy and processes across the company’s multi-site contact center network, which helped establish the contact centers as strategic assets for the business.

Stacy Sherman
Stacy Sherman
Customer Experience and Marketing Executive ,

Stacy Sherman is a certified customer experience (CX) and marketing speaker, advisor, author, and host of the award-winning DoingCXRight podcast. Known for her Heart & ScienceTM proprietary framework that produces profitable clients and brand loyalty--fueled by a workforce where people feel heard, empowered, and valued. Stacy's been walking the talk for 25 years as a strategist and practitioner at companies of all sizes and industries, i.e., Verizon, Liveops, Schindler Elevator Corp, Wilton Brands, AT&T. She's also a board advisor at multiple universities, featured in Forbes and other top rated publications. You can connect with Stacy Sherman  at DoingCXRight.com


Tim McElgunn
Tim McElgunn
Principal Analyst, ICMI
Tim McElgunn is Principal Analyst for HDI and ICMI, producing and managing content and events for our community of contact center and technical support professionals. A skilled analyst, strategic advisor, writer and editor, Tim has extensive experience researching, synthesizing, and explaining strategic, regulatory, technology, and service trends. Before joining the Informa team, Tim held senior editorial and analysis roles at Bloomberg Law, Stratecast Partners/Frost & Sullivan, and Gartner.

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Topics: Knowledge Management, Strategy, Metrics