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What Is Analytics-Driven Quality Management?

What is Analytics-Driven Quality Management

Author: ICMI Research

Publisher: ICMI

Number of Pages:


Watch to learn what quality management is and why analytics can positively impact agent performance, spot potential problems, and improve the customer experience.

For contact centers, quality management is at the core of the most thoughtful and consistent service experiences. Understanding how analytics can improve quality management is key to improving the state of your contact center. In this video, we’ll define analytics-driven quality management, highlight what sets analytics-driven contact centers apart, and identify some of the challenges and some of the potential benefits.

What is Analytics-Driven Quality Management?

Bonus! Complete the form below and you’ll also receive a copy of the latest executive summary, “The Impact and Influence of Analytics and Quality Management on Contact Center Performance.”

Topics: Analytics And Benchmarking, Agent, Coaching And Quality Management

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