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The Best Managed Contact Centers: #7 – They View the Contact Center as a Total Process 

Contact centers that consistently get the best results view the operation as a total process. This viewpoint takes many forms:

  • Ensure that everyone in the contact center, and those with key supporting roles outside the center, have a basic understanding of how contact centers operate.
  • Recognize the process to be where most quality problems occur — and also where the opportunities for improvement in services and reductions in costs reside.
  • Develop an effective, collaborative planning and management process
  • Take the initiative in coordinating with other departments
  • Be prepared to respond to changing conditions
  • Understand how the contact center supports the organization's direction

The days of the contact center existing as an island unto itself — “That’s our customer contact center, and they handle sales and customer service” — are gone. The reality is that the contact center is an important part of a much bigger process.

Excerpt from Call Center Management on Fast Forward, Brad Cleveland.

This blog post is part of a series on the 12 Characteristics of the Best Managed Contact Centers. Read parts onetwothreefourfive, and six. To learn more, join Brad for session 103 at ICMI Contact Center Connections, October 28-30 in Chicago.