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Fight the Boredom and Cross the Street

Question from a #Steeleworker this week: What do you do when parts of your job just get so boring?

First, realize ALL jobs have tedious moments. The Rolling Stones have been performing the same songs for 50 years, which has to be awful at times. Second, stop and find one, just one good thing you enjoy about that task or part of the job. No matter how bad things are, you can always come up with one good thing. Find it and focus on that. I may have hated playing Stairway to Heaven on the radio for 20+ years, but I always made it through by reminding myself I was being paid to play music.

Rock on with your badassery (now in the Oxford Online Dictionary) self this Friday,

Fight the boredom

Meet Donna, the new school crossing guard for our middle school. Low pay, early hours, kamikaze SUV moms – not a great job – yet there she is every morning, smiling and waving at every car. Some ignore her, some just stare not comprehending happiness, and others, like me, smile and wave back. Then, stop and thank her for making my day. I asked her why she does it. Her reply, “If I didn’t, I would go insane with boredom.”

*badassery (n.): behavior, characteristics, or actions regarded as intimidatingly tough or impressive, i.e. YOU. And Donna.


About Dayna Steele

On a stage speaking to and inspiring people since she was a teenager, Dayna Steele is the author of several books, including, 101 Ways to Rock Your World: Everyday Activities for Success Every Day, and Rock to the Top: What I Learned about Success from the World’s Greatest Rock Stars. Dayna creates custom success strategies for individuals and companies with her Rock Star Principles of Success. Readers’ Digest magazine calls Dayna “one of the 35 people who inspire us,” AOL says she is “one of the foremost experts on career networking,” and Successful Meetings magazine calls her “a pep talk from the deejay booth.” Audiences consistently rate her as one of the best speakers they have ever seen.

Dayna is also the author of Your Daily Success Tip, a witty and informative piece of advice that is delivered directly to you every day. You can sign up for her email list here.