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Call Center Technology Roundup June 29 2011

This week in ICMI's call center technology roundup, we find out about a new cloud-based platform from Smoothstone, what Ciboodle's doing to help Nicor National update their contact centers, and why MyHealthDIRECT's web solution was selected for a major healthcare center.

Smoothstone Delivers Presence, Instant Messaging and Collaboration for Large-Scale Enterprises With the Launch of AMP

Smoothstone IP Communications has launched their Awareness Messaging and Presence (AMP) multi-channel platform for large-scale enterprise companies. AMP is a single, converged messaging platform that offers agents a variety of real-time collaborative tools that will help increase engagement efficiency and lower overall costs. These tools will allow agents to monitor the availability of their co-workers, send instant messages, hold group chats, share files and more.

Nicor National Selects Sword Ciboodle to Help Manage its Customer Interactions

Sword Ciboodle has been selected by Nicor National to help modernize their existing contact centers and enable them to better manage and maintain the large volume of customer interactions. Sword Ciboodle will provide its Ciboodle One intelligent desktop and Ciboodle Flow workflow management modules to help streamline the engagement process and continue to support Nicor going forward.

Family and Children's Service's 211-Nashville Health Navigator to Use MyHealthDIRECT to Support Better Access to Healthcare for Clients

The web-based healthcare service solution provided by MyHealthDIRECT has been selected for Nashville’s 211 Call Center’s health navigator program, which is operated by the Family and Children Service and partially funded by the United Way.  The MyHealthDIRECT application will enable staff members to connect callers in need of assistance with available healthcare providers in real time, around the clock. The application will also help manage and track patients, as well as schedule patients for immediate and future healthcare appointments.