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200 Contact Center Jobs in Texas as USAA Expands

USAA, a financial services provider, recently chose the town of Addison, Texas as the site of its new contact center, and plans to staff it with 200 new employees. Addison, a business-friendly town with a qualified workforce and great amenities, was a natural choice for USAA, one of Fortune Magazine’s 2010 “100 Best Companies to Work For.” It’s clear that the company, the town, and those new employees will all benefit from the arrangement.

The company selected Addison as the site of its new Financial Advice Contact Center and plans on hiring 200 new employees by the end of the year. Those new employees will play a key role in providing customer service to USAA’s clients, consisting of members of the military, veterans and their families.

"With this new center in Addison, we will be able to help even more members with critically important investment, retirement and life insurance decisions,” said Wayne Peacock, USAA's Executive Vice President of Member Experience.

As for USAA’s decision on locating the new center in Addison, that came about because of what the town offered. In addition to reasonable costs of living and real estate prices, the company found Addison to be close to its clients and home to a large pool of qualified job candidates.

And, as Addison Mayor Joe Chow points out, the town is a good match for the business. “Addison shares USAA's commitment to customer service to our residents and businesses,” Chow said. “Our town's central location makes it convenient for USAA's new employees, and our town offers amenities for any company's workforce.”