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How To Get Free Publicity

Was that you I saw on TV last night? Could have easily been. Have you ever watched TV or listened to the radio and thought, “Why aren’t they interviewing me? I know more than that person and have much better info.” The reason is because they don’t know you exist. As I write this, I’m watching the local ABC affiliate and up pops Clumsy Crafter Bobbie Byrd (and Blog Elevated creator) talking about how to save money and make your own chocolate treats for Valentine’s Day. She got the word out to media outlets a few days ago with ideas for Valentine’s stories. And, there she is on TV doing a great job … and promoting her business. Here are simple steps to garner free publicity for your business:

  • Make sure you are pitching something relevant and timely to the media outlet’s audience. Or don’t bother.
  • Create a pitch that’s brief and to the point. No one in media has time to read more than a few sentences.
  • Email it without attachments to the assignments desk at media outlets (check the websites, all contact info is there or you can call and ask) – the short pitch, your contact info, a short sentence on what makes you the expert, and a quick list of any other media you have done. *If you do have some previous press, make sure it is linked on your website and include that link as well. See how we did it here.
  • Don’t expect a call immediately. Just do this every time you have something relevant and timely to add to their media outlet that fits their audience. If they need you, they will call.
  • In the meantime, let your expertise shine on your website, in a blog, on your social media accounts – build a following for your expertise and the media will come calling.
  • When they do call – be on time, be prepared, be gracious, and follow-up with a thank you note.

Thanks to the Houston Future Media Association for starting this conversation at lunch yesterday. It really is easier than you think to be featured on television or radio. Give it a try. And, keep trying.

Seize the day,