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AI Optimization Assessment

AI Optimization Assessment

As contact centers grapple with the complexities of AI adoption, a strategic framework becomes

essential for assessing AI optimization and ensuring successful implementation. Before introducing

even more tech into your stack, understanding how to optimize your approach is key. Whether you’re

just starting on your AI journey or need help overcoming roadblocks, ICMI can be your partner in

charting the most effective course.



Key questions to consider



  Team Readiness: How confident are you in your team's ability to adapt to change, and do you have the necessary competencies on board to manage this change effectively?

Knowledge Base Optimization: How optimized is your knowledge base for AI integration?


Process Intelligence: How intelligent are your existing processes, and how ready are they for AI enhancements?


Data Centralization: How centralized is your data, and is it structured to support AI initiatives effectively?


Past AI Adoption Experiences: Have your previous attempts at AI adoption yielded the desired results, or have they encountered challenges?


  When it comes to AI, change management can be a significant undertaking. Without proper planning, your initiatives may cost more, your resources may be wasted, and the result may become unusable. You must spend time examining your existing infrastructure, skillsets, data governance and success measures. Yes, this can sound daunting, but if you put the work in now, the execution and adoption will move quickly and efficiently.
  So how should you approach preparing your company for generative AI Integration?

As the contact center industry’s leading thought leader for nearly 40 years, ICMI’s expert consultants will work with you to assess your organization’s AI approach and collaborate with you to evolve your strategy and execution plans.  Our experts can even help you navigate the rapidly changing vendor landscape, guide you through the vendor selection process and support you through go-live and beyond. Our holistic, vendor-agnostic approach ensures that our clients select the right AI solutions using a people-first approach that prepares your operations and workforce for seamless integration. 


   Contact your regional account manager to schedule your AI Optimization Assessment appointment today!