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The Business Impact of Generative AI on Contact Center Managers

There’s been plenty of digital ink spilled over how Generative AI will impact the customer and agent experience. Yet, the impact reaches far behind the front lines and will reshape the roles and responsibilities of contact center managers as well. Not only will they need to adapt, but organizations will need to consider what additional training may be necessary and keep these changes in mind for future hiring. Here are three areas where the role and responsibilities of contact center managers will change.

Managing People & AI

Managers will need to shift from traditional workforce management tasks, such as scheduling and monitoring agent performance, to overseeing the performance and effectiveness of AI agents as well. WFM solutions will need to track both human and AI agents while also reevaluating which metrics and KPIs are relevant as the balance of work shifts.

Additionally, they will be responsible for ensuring that human agents and AI systems collaborate effectively, harnessing the strengths of both to deliver exceptional customer experiences. While contact center managers won’t need to be deeply technical, they’ll still need to develop a fundamental understanding of AI technology, like they have for their CRM or CCaaS tools, in order to understand how to use it most effectively in daily operations.

Labor & Software Costs

Cost management will evolve for Contact Center Managers due to the dual impact of Generative AI and Large Language Models which will lead to cost savings but also a shift from labor to software costs.

The adoption of AI-driven systems for routine tasks may reduce the need for large human agent teams, potentially cutting labor costs. Yet, with the bulk of tier 1 requests handled primarily by AI, existing staff will shift into tier 2 or entirely new roles such as “AI Manager.” This will require both additional training and salary increases.

The initial investment in AI technology, ongoing maintenance, and the need for skilled staff to manage and train the AI systems will become essential factors in cost management. These costs must be balanced with the expected benefits, including improved efficiency, customer satisfaction, and potential revenue growth.

Moving From Human Focused KPIs

AI’s increasing share of the contact center will also impact the technology stack and KPIs for contact centers. Managers will need to familiarize themselves with the new tools and platforms used to develop, deploy, and monitor AI-driven customer service solutions. They will also need to reassess traditional KPIs, as some may become less relevant or even obsolete.

Emerging KPIs will likely focus on AI system performance metrics like NLU accuracy, response time (latency), the cost benefit ration of specific LLMs and customer satisfaction in AI-driven interactions. Contact Center Managers will need to establish these new KPIs in conjunction with management and the overall Customer Access and strategy of the organization.


Generative AI isn't just transforming customer interactions; it's redefining the playbook for contact center managers. From overseeing AI agents to recalibrating cost strategies and rethinking performance metrics, managers have a new set of challenges and opportunities. The key to success lies in embracing these changes and skilling up to lead in an AI-driven environment. Get ready to pivot because the future of contact center management is already here.