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How to Calibrate your Contact Center's Quality Management Program

Calibration sessions - where individuals from the contact center get together, review and evaluate customer contacts to ensure alignment, consistency, and fairness within the contact center - are important events in the contact center industry.

To fully leverage the value of your contact center quality program, we need input from business unit partners. The integrity of the quality program can be compromised if we develop our quality program in isolation. Your center can have the most advanced recording technology, evaluation tools and forms, and consistency in scoring among your team, but it could still fall short of its full potential without partnering with the business units. To fully leverage your quality program, we need to calibrate internally and with other business units for verification and validation of success criteria; communicate analyzed data and information; and, collaborate for continuous improvements.

Here is a video of six key decision points and recommended questions to consider when establishing an effective calibration process:

Clearly there is a lot more to a calibration process than just sitting down with a group of individuals in a calibration session and making sure we are all aligned. Also, it is important remember, one size does not fit all. These 6 decision points are designed to allow you to answer in the context of your company, your resources, and your customer experience goals.

While this takes a bit of time, the effort put into answering these questions and documenting the overall process will be reflected in the effectiveness of the calibration sessions themselves and how well the calibration process ensures we are delivering consistent customer experiences that contribute to the success of the contact center and the company as a whole.