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Become an ICMI Featured Contributor in 2024!

The contact center industry is always evolving, and contact center leaders must rely on information and advice from their peers to stay on top of the latest trends.

ICMI provides up-to-date educational, informative insights and guidance on contact center and customer experience strategy and operations. We rely on contact center and customer experience pros, like you, who are willing to share those insights and that guidance based on their personal experience in the industry.

For our annual Featured Contributor program, we bring together a team of thought leaders who can provide at least six articles (~1,500 words) in the coming calendar year. Contributors will coordinate with our editorial team on topic ideas, deadlines, and drafts. In return, we’ll tag you on social media, feature your submissions in Contact Center Insider, and grant one complimentary Standard conference pass to ICMI Contact Center Expo 2024!

If you'd like to join the Featured Contributor team, we're accepting submissions until January 6, 2024. We’ll reveal the 2023 roster in mid-January.