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Find Your Three Good Things

Note from the editor:  Looking for a free, simple, but powerful way to motivate your agents and boost morale? Dayna's advice isn't just great life advice, it's great management advice. Make an effort to celebrate the wins in your contact center this week and discover the impact it has on your team.

Boost team moraleWhen you take time to appreciate the good things, the bad things don’t seem as bad. Had a chance to visit the HelloFresh team in New York City late last week. They asked this #1 fan of their product lots of questions including, do you have a mealtime routine? Yes, we do. We eat dinner together every night and start every meal with three good things. Everyone at the table (even when we have guests) has to name the three highlights of their day. Even on a bad day, you can find three good things. And, when you think about them and verbalize them, everything gets better. For you and for those around you. Tell us your three good things below.

Also read: A $25.1 million success tip from Jeremy Lin

Try this with your family, your friends, your co-workers, your staff. I guarantee 100% it works. By the way, you are always one of my three good things…


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