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You Are That Good

One of the hardest things to learn to do is to tell people how great you are but remain humble and appreciative at the same time. If you want to succeed, you need to learn to do just that. A job interview, a meeting with a client, a prospective customer or employer – be able to tell people your accomplishments. What value do you bring to an organization? Watch the video below and see how little we all think of ourselves.

From author Rick Gillis: Take a personal inventory of what you have to offer your next employer. Create an Accomplishments Worksheet of personal “bests” in your life. Take from your on-the-job experiences as well as academic, athletic, volunteer, charity, church & worship activities. When complete, prepare this document for formal presentation to your interviewer(s). Keep several copies with you at all times and one by the phone to respond to phone inquiries.

Learn to toot your own horn. Not sure what to say? Ask your family and friends, ask your past and current employers, ask what they see as your value and accomplishments. Watch what people say when asked about themselves.
