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Occasionally a Teenager is Right

Out of the mouth of my seventeen year old in regards to being around a lot of adults recently: Everyone is talking. No one is actually listening. No one really hears what is being said. They are all just waiting for their turn to talk again. Wow. If he can remember that observation when he becomes a professional, he will do amazing. You and I are professionals. So, I challenge both of us – can we just listen today? (Click on the image for a fun video I found.) 




Every Friday, ICMI will be featuring one of Dayna's Daily Success Tips! If you simply can't wait until the end of the week, you can subscribe to YourDailySuccessTip.com here.

Dayna will be featured as our opening Keynote Speaker at ACCE in Seattle next month - Rock Your World: 5 Things to Do Every Day to Rock Your Customer Service World. She'll also be hosting our first annual Global Call Center of the Year Awards dinner on Tuesday May 14th. Join Dayna and ICMI for all these great events!