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Call Center Demo and Conference Sneak Peek with Jim Rembach

Call Center Demo is quickly approaching, and we can't wait to see you all in Atlanta.

Over the past few weeks, we've introduced you to several of our event speakers.  Now, we want to introduce you to some of our exhbitors as well.  Between now and October 21, we'll be posting a series of video interview with some of the exhbitors you'll get the chance to meet in Atlanta.

In this first video, ICMI Community Specialist Erica Strother interviews Jim Rembach of Customer Relationship Metrics.  Find out what cool things Jim wil lbe highlighting at his booth, what he's most looking forward to doing at the conference, and what advice he would give to companies on using metrics to improve the customer experience.

Check back next Thursday as we share an interview with Robb Duke of USAN.