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Blended Call Centers

Is the Blended call center model effective? ICMI's audience says, "Yes!" 90% of those who responded to ICMI's Quick Poll last week said that the Blended model works.

Of those positive responses, 28% of you said that Blending is absolutely effective. 33% replied "Yes, if the environment is right" and 29% said, "Yes, if the management is right."

However, 10% of you replied, "No. We tried to blend, but it didn't work." What was it that didn't work? Would you try it again under different circumstances?

So, if your call center thinking about going blended but not sure if it's right for your business, you'll want to check out our new Blended and Outbound Call Centers Series. The five-part series will explore various aspects of Outbound and Blended Call Centers and will provide a guideline for centers that are interested learning more about Outbound and Blended Call Centers.