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Is that my water or yours?-- Success at a biz meal

It does not matter how many corporate luncheons I speak at or business dinners I emcee, someone invariably says, “Is that my water (or bread plate) or yours?” I have two go-to favorites to keep you from ever having to ask that question again:

1. Hold your fingers like the image to the right – what you have is a ‘b’ for bread and a ‘d’ for drink.

2. The other is BMW – look down at your place setting, you have YOUR Bread plate, Meal plate and Water glass.

As we say in our house, “If it’s stupid and it works, it ain’t stupid.” For a host of tips, suggestions, etiquette and a diagram, read Ten steps to a befitting biz lunch from Jing Cao and the Houston Business Journal.

Bon appétit,